

We at the Center of Anthropology (CoA)  attribute importance to both the analytical and phenomenological perspective in conducting the research and analysing the data. The research conducted by CoA is always preceded by a thorough examination of the field which allows presenting the data according to the context.

Qualitative Research

Police and Border Guard Board was very content with the research carried out by the Center for Applied Anthropology of Estonia. The analysis provided suggestions to which bureaus should be located in each other’s vicinity, as well as answers to the main question prior to the research – in what extent is the model of an activity-based office applicable in the PBGB’s headquarters. We also received numerous suggestions on how to use space differently and an overview of the challenges faced by the organisation. The anthropological methods that were used, allowed to bring forth the deeper concerns of the employees that would have probably remained hidden with a mere statistical analysis.

Esko Suharov Real Estate Specialist, The Bureau of Logistics, Police and Border Guard Board