

We at the Center of Anthropology (CoA)  attribute importance to both the analytical and phenomenological perspective in conducting the research and analysing the data. The research conducted by CoA is always preceded by a thorough examination of the field which allows presenting the data according to the context.

Qualitative Research

Our thinking sessions were invigorating, the debates compelling and constructive, refreshing and inspired by contradictions that rose from experiences. I felt at ease because we were thinking along the same lines, our partnership created a space for healthy self-criticism and humour. I enjoy cooperating and co-working with the anthropologists from the Centre for Applied Anthropology of Estonia, because with them the analysis phase is not a mundane task to get over with. Instead, it is a playful exploration, where progress is carried by self-analysis, discovery and learning.

Maie Kiisel Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Tartu